Porn isn’t just for guys. There’s also lesbian porn, stepmom porn, and hentai. These films all have something in common: the exploitation of women. These are just a few of the genres of porn you might not have thought about but should give a try.

Lesbian Porn

If you’re looking for new genres to watch, lesbian porn might be right up your alley. Lesbian porn is incredibly popular and is the 6th most popular search on Pornhub. Also, women are 132 percent more likely than men to search for lesbian porn. This statistic might seem surprising to you, but it’s true.

Just because you’re attracted to lesbian porn doesn’t mean you’re attracted to lesbians in real life. It doesn’t mean you’ll want to try it yourself. It can be uncomfortable.

Stepmom Porn

Stepmom porn is a subgenre of fauxcest, or porn that features performers pretending to be related. It taps into the popular fantasy of an older woman seducing a younger man. It also goes by the sexiest milfs today, which stands for Mother I’d Like to Fuck.

Porn has become more accessible thanks to smartphones and increased privacy. There was a time when you needed a computer with dial-up speed to view porn online, but now it’s possible to watch it on your phone, even on the go.

Lesbian Scissoring

Scissoring is a typical sex act performed by lesbians, but not in the way you might think.

Lesbian porn is different from mainstream heterosexual porn in many ways. Unlike heterosexual porn, lesbian porn depicts women who have complete control of their bodies and are empowered. Usually, lesbian porn is more sexy and realistic, showing women having sexual experiences that they would find pleasurable.


Hentai is an explicit form of Japanese animation that is both pornographic and erotic. The content of hentai is strictly regulated by Japanese law, which prohibits the production of pornographic material. (Provigil) Pornographic animations must always be censored to prevent the exposure of female and male genitalia. The punishment for displaying obscene material or objects is two years in prison and a fine of 2,500,000 yen.

Hentai is another genre of porn that might not have crossed your mind but is an essential part of Japanese porn culture. These films usually feature characters who wear glasses and are bookish, shy, and submissive. The most extreme forms of this genre involve amputation and body modification. Others include making someone into an everyday object.


Pornographic entertainment focuses on male gaze-oriented scenes, and many women are attracted to this material. However, it’s important to note that you don’t have to be a feminist to enjoy male-gaze-oriented porn. Like men, women have the right to choose what they watch, and it’s perfectly acceptable to watch porn involving consenting adults. In addition, you don’t have to feel ashamed of viewing parody porn.


NSFL (not safe for work and life) porn genres can be extremely disturbing. They tend to be funny but can also be upsetting. You should be aware that these videos can contain lethal violence, gore, or fetish pornography. They are also generally inappropriate for children and must be watched by an adult.

Pornography has long been viewed as derogatory. Even though some films are marketed as feminist, they are generally considered merely masturbation fuel. Several activists have argued that porn objectifies and exploits women. A